In Colorado recently the police were looking for a bank robber.. What better way to catch him/her than to employ Nazi style tactics and arrest everyone that drove through an intersection. This sets a precedence on what people will accept, and we are going further and further away from freedom.
The constitution clearly states that a person can only be questions/arrested if there is something suspicious you see them doing. Example: walking down a street with spray paint after graffiti was written on a while 1 block away. Something obvious that seems. At that point you can question them, but you have to have something more(my interpretation) to detain them. In this small town they arrested every adult that came through the intersection. This is yet another way we are losing our freedoms and it scares me for the future generations.
Where is this going to stop? At what point will people say this has gone too far? I watch as things happen and everyone ignores it. I actually had someone tell me the other day that "if they're doing it for our safety then fine". I watch as our rights are slowly dwindled away in such a slow manner than people don't even notice it. Then people are taught if we don't do this some big bad person will come and kill you. These things aren't protecting us from people breaking into our houses and killing us. They're not stopping gang violence and casualties in drive by shootings. I can't see anywhere this is truly helping us, and I would love someone to show me what would happen if all these rules weren't there. Cell phone messages and call logs are stored thanks to the patriot act. Police can sit outside your house and listen to your conversations without you even knowing. Teachers can tell their students they can go to prison for saying a political leader isn't doing a good job... Where is our freedom? How can anyone say we are a free society.
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