A man was recently visited by the EPA that were armed after trying to get a hold of a controversial agency official. He is trying to get answers, but he isn't getting far with it.. The good news there are people in congress who are trying to disarm the EPA and look into this issue.
The crazy part to me is when did it start taking weapons to help the environment? How did these people ever get privileges to carry weapons when going to question someone? They are not the FBI, CIA or military so they shouldn't be going to people's houses with weapons. The next big thing is why would you need weapons because someone sent an email to contact someone. We are losing such a large volume of freedom and it is wildly being ignored. Everyone I ask about this says "I don't do anything wrong, so why should I worry?". This guy was trying to contact an ex-EPA agent, and he had people come to his house with guns! Does that help you sleep at night? How can you feel safe if agencies that protect the environment can come to your house with guns? Doesn't that worry you? There have been numerous cases where police have broke into a house and killed someone raiding it for drugs. Then later they find out they had the wrong house. You don't have to do anything wrong for wrong things to happen.
I hope the American people wake up soon before it is too late..
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