Here we go the media is now portraying the new members of congress as being unqualified. The below article mentions how many new members with little political experience are being voted into the house and senate, and this means that things won't pass easily because they don't know how to play the game. People will read this article thinking maybe we should vote a few who know how to play the game in to keep the congress flowing.
I think that is a load of **** to say you need political experience to be in congress. We need people with values and logic to be in there not ones who will bend. There is a political game that has to occur to get anything passed, but you don't need to be a life long politician to know that. You have to give to get, or nothing will get done. The question is what are willing to give? You can't be willing to give giant leaps to gain a little, and you shouldn't be expected to. I think the thought process of this article is absurd. The original congress was founded by great men who knew the value of freedom. They fought against each other to achieve this. I would rather NOTHING pass due to disagreement than everyone bend and add 1000 earmarks to get a half baked bill pass. The American people deserve this. We elect people to fight for us and not cave for their own agenda or to play politics.
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