Rick Perry booed for his endorsement

Boos erupted Thursday at the Texas Republican Convention when Gov. Rick Perry repeated his support for U.S. Senate candidate David Dewhurst

Ron Paul Speech Texas

Ron Paul speech at Texas State Convention

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

India's credit may be downgraded

India had a marginal growth over the past year of only .1%.  The expectation was that it would be closer to 1.7%, but as you see it is no where near that.  What is the result of this risk?  The CENTRAL BANK will have to do some exciting new things to try to boost economy. 

Here we go again another country that will be downgraded and a central bank will try to save them.   As we know a central group of people have all the knowledge to fix our issues and save the economy.  I'm willing to bet they'll try to print a lot of money to boost the economy for it to not do anything and create more issues.

Polar Bear Breaks Protective Glass with Rock

The Middle Class on Foodstamps during the Recession

A couple in Morris county NJ went from making six figures to making $18,000 a year.  According to local news stories they had to stop making payments on their house and almost all the children 15 and up have jobs.  This area of NJ is known for its expensive houses, and it is estimated any income under $60,000 a year is too low to live in this area.

That being said it shouldn't be this rough on people.  If the government wasn't dragging this recessions out while "trying to keep us afloat" we would have hit bottom already.  We could of then worked on coming out of the recessions.  This temporarily propping us up is harming the average person while lining someone's pocket.  We can't move forward until this happens I feel deeply in my heart.  History has shown that allowing bottom to be hit will cut the pain to a shorter time frame, or we could allow the government to prop us up and hoover right above bottom.  Businesses need to be allowed to fail for poor decisions, and this will lead to the ingenuity of new businesses.  Look at Ford they refused a bailout, but they're doing great now.  Why?  They took their mistakes and learned from them.  They didn't have billion dollar checks to ride on, but instead they had motivation to reinvent themselves.  I applaud them for that.

Radiation in airports; is it safe?

 There are multiple studies testing the effects of radiation from airport security scanners.  The biggest argument is that it is far less than radiation from mammograms or other medical procedures.  I have yet to hear anyone quantify this issue though.  It may be less, but what about the frequent flyers that fly multiple times a week?  You don't go to the doctor daily for an x-ray, so I don't feel its a fair comparison.  The argument also is that it is below the legal level you are allowed, but just because you're allowed so much radiation should you get it? 

So, in short we are basically scanned naked and given levels of radiation that are unnecessary once again for our "safety".  I don't know about most people, but I work hard and pay me taxes.  I try to help charities, but anytime I want to travel I'm treated like a threat.  It deeply saddens me the direction things are going.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Homeland Security Bought too many Drones

The Department of Homeland Security bought so many drones they don't know what to do with them.  They don't have a plan to keep all these drones in the sky and utilize them properly.  This is amazing considering how close to bankruptcy the United States is.  This would be like me not having enough money to buy groceries, but I'll go out and buy 100 toys, but being one person I can't play with 100 at a time.  I can't believe their isn't more of an uproar or coverage of this.  This is millions of dollars that could of been saved, but instead someone wanted to make a large number of drones.  I'm assuming they had this request for their own benefit, but I can't be certain of that.  Now the tax payer is stuck with a large number of expensive drones that can't be used.  I'm so glad i decided to make that investment.. Aren't you?


Drone Crashes in Maryland...

A US Drone crashes in Maryland..  So it begins with the testing of drones.  The drone was going through a test flight and crashed 80 miles outside Washington DC.  This is not the first time a drone has crashed while testing or anything else, so we will have thousands of these things flying around soon.  People accept this because it makes them safer.  What happens if next time it crashes into a house?  What if it crashes into a school?  Will people still feel safe?  The flight is currently under investigation to find out what happened, but I'm afraid when thousands of these are patrolling our skies.  Now we have to worry that one may crash while we're sleeping.  I know statistically it's probably not likely, but is it worth it for our "safety"?

Let us know your comments.


Radiation Alert 6/7/2012

Congress stuck on student interest rates

Congress is stuck on the student loan interest debate.  This is the problem with the government owning everything.  The lenders should be allowed to set the interest rates.  Now the success of people going to college is riding on our government who is almost bankrupt.  Even if they wanted to keep interest rates low the government has no money.  So either all tax payers will lose money or student loan cost will go up.  Isn't it great when the government gets involved in things?

How do you feel this issue should be resolved?  My thoughts are the government should get out of it, so it can go through a correction.  It will suck for a year or two, but this issue won't occur again.

More information here http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77243.html

New members of congress means unqualified?

Here we go the media is now portraying the new members of congress as being unqualified.  The below article mentions how many new members with little political experience are being voted into the house and senate, and this means that things won't pass easily because they don't know how to play the game.  People will read this article thinking maybe we should vote a few who know how to play the game in to keep the congress flowing.

I think that is a load of **** to say you need political experience to be in congress. We need people with values and logic to be in there not ones who will bend.  There is a political game that has to occur to get anything passed, but you don't need to be a life long politician to know that.  You have to give to get, or nothing will get done.  The question is what are willing to give?  You can't be willing to give giant leaps to gain a little, and you shouldn't be expected to.  I think the thought process of this article is absurd. The original congress was founded by great men who knew the value of freedom.  They fought against each other to achieve this.  I would rather NOTHING pass due to disagreement than everyone bend and add 1000 earmarks to get a half baked bill pass.  The American people deserve this.  We elect people to fight for us and not cave for their own agenda or to play politics.

Source: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77255.html

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Man visited by EPA agents with guns

A man was recently visited by the EPA that were armed after trying to get a hold of a controversial agency official.  He is trying to get answers, but he isn't getting far with it..  The good news there are people in congress who are trying to disarm the EPA and look into this issue.

The crazy part to me is when did it start taking weapons to help the environment?  How did these people ever get privileges to carry weapons when going to question someone?  They are not the FBI, CIA or military so they shouldn't be going to people's houses with weapons. The next big thing is why would you need weapons because someone sent an email to contact someone.  We are losing such a large volume of freedom and it is wildly being ignored.  Everyone I ask about this says "I don't do anything wrong, so why should I worry?".  This guy was trying to contact an ex-EPA agent, and he had people come to his house with guns!  Does that help you sleep at night?  How can you feel safe if agencies that protect the environment can come to your house with guns?  Doesn't that worry you?  There have been numerous cases where police have broke into a house and killed someone raiding it for drugs.  Then later they find out they had the wrong house.  You don't have to do anything wrong for wrong things to happen.

I hope the American people wake up soon before it is too late..

More Info

Santorum Concerned about Paul..

Rick Santorum said “I like the platform that we have right now. I’m concerned that Ron Paul and some of his supporters out there are looking for a platform fight. And I want to make sure that we have strong, principled conservatives there who stood with me in our primary fight to go there and counterbalance the effect of the Paul folks,”

It is crazy that Rick thinks Paul wants to battle him.  It isn't about Rick or Mitt; it is about the overall party.  He has a right to be concerned I guess because Paul is picking up delegates left and right.  He is trying to quiet the Paul delegates that have suffered broken bones and worked hard to be there.  It is crazy that this is becoming a personal war with Rick.  Paul if not the nominee will be heard at the RNC.  Considering how many supporters there seemed to be in Texas for him; I won't be surprised if their shadow cast over the entire Rick and Newt delegate groups.

Source: http://www.capitolcolumn.com/news/rick-santorum-i-am-concerned-about-ron-paul/#ixzz1xR8d9jmd

On Rand's Endorsement

Recent Studies Show Military Suicide Rate higher than those killed in combat

Recent information released from the Pentagon show that suicide rate in the military than those killed in combat.  There is average 1 suicide a day in today's war that has been going on over a decade.  This is thought to be caused by the increase in deployments and the military being overburdened.

Can you imagine the burden that is put on our military to keep us "safe"?  This war seems to be never ending, and soldiers keep getting deployed over and over with little break in between.  The long months if not years away from your family and never knowing whether you will ever get to see your wife/husband and kids again.  This is a sad sacrifice the American people are willing to accept to keep us "safe".  I can't understand how people sleep at night knowing they support the war, and this is the sacrifice they're willing to give.  I'm guessing for a lot of them aren't in the military or don't have family in the military.  If they do then they really need to research if this never ending undeclared war is necessary for the survival of the United States.

I respect every person who volunteers to be in the military.  It takes great honor to give so much, but I also think they're currently expected to perform too much.  Who could spend a decade watching people die in front of them without any ill effects?  Living with the fact of some of the people they killed it a huge burden that I couldn't handle.  I applaud them all, but I say BRING THEM HOME!  Let them know there is an end and that they will only fight for valid reasons that are clearly defined in a Declaration of War.  A war on terror is impossible because there will always be crazy people that will try to kill a large number of people.  You can't fight what you can't define.

Watch some great soldiers coming home

More information here:http://www.naturalnews.com/036127_soldiers_suicide_combat.html

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Virginia governor backs domestic spy drones

Virginia governor along with Fairfax County police chief had said drones will be of great use in VA in the near future.  Where is is this in the MSM(main stream media)?  How can people feel sacrificing their freedoms to make police officers jobs easier?  This is the rational behind using them in VA, but with ease comes great privacy concerns.  They can fly anywhere anytime and record everything happening.  No more nude sunbathing    in the back yard. Who knows how sophisticated these are...  They may be able to see inside windows at some point.  Obama has already said some of these drones are as small as golf balls.

They are not supposed to be armed with physical weapons, but the intellectual weapons are scary.  Pretty soon Minority Report will be a reality at this rate.  They will find some way to prove you guilty of a crime you haven't committed yet.  I also foresee these drones causing people getting arrested unjustly because of the suspicion of doing something wrong.  Maybe someone has a thousand pounds of fertilizer in their back yard.  Automatically they will be raided for thinking they have a bomb, but they really just have 200 acre farm. Imagine if a drone catching you disciplining your child, and then they say you were committing abuse or neglect even if you weren't.  This will also increase the drug war and raise the cost.  I think beyond that our country has already dropped 2 ranking in credit rating yet we are going to spend billions more.  We are broke and good idea or not we have to cut the fat in government spending if the United States is to survive.  Otherwise we will got he way of the Soviet Union and Romans.


Santorum speaking at Texas State Convention

Though a lot of people won't care there are a few things I would like to point out.  Below is a picture of Rick speaking via video conference.  Notice anything about the crowds signs?

The good news is that he says he won't release his delegates to anyone.  He wants them to have influence in the party.  Well that means they won't be released to Romney WOO.  It also means that adds to the chance of a brokered convention.

Texas State Convention Updates

As I try to find verified information.

4:30PM Eastern
15 Paul delegates so far and more to come
District Caucuses in session

4:39 Easter
Robert Armstrong elected National Committeeman.

Borah Van Dormalen, unopposed, reelected as RNC National Committeewoman.

4:48 Eastern
District caucuses are done.  Not sure how long until votes are tallied.

Break until 4:30 central.

5:43 Eastern
They can't agree on some delegate counts.. Idea is they're Paul delegates no proof yet.
Delegate Breakdown

6:07 eastern
  Delayed again until 6:30  then they'll finally announce them they say.

I'm working on finding delegates.  They just read names no clue how many are Paul yet.

  Still trying to figure out the number, but according to people inside looks like a good % are Paul supporters

Awaiting a count on how many are paul. It seemed as though it would be a lot based on standing ovation during his speech and what I read, but no one can confirm.

Not confirmed but 3 Paul supporters elected to rules committee..  Important roles!

Per request of Texas lead no delegates counts will be released.

Looking at the linguistics of Rand's endorsement contradicts

This is a great article that does some analysis of Rand's endorsement.  It goes almost with what I said in my previous blog.(http://therealpoliticalnews.blogspot.com/2012/06/rands-endorsement-deep-look.html)  The video is there as well.  He doesn't seem to be excited about the nomination.  This article does a great job breaking it down.


high quality paul speech texas state convention

highest quality i found

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ben Swann police take away first amendment

Rand's endorsement should make us stronger

There have been constant uproar across the web  about Rand's endorsement of Mitt Romney.  This was a slap in the face to the revolution, but I don't get why people are blaming Ron for his son's decision.  He would be a hypocrite if he preaches personal liberty/choices, but he tells his son "NOOO".

Now I think people forget what we're fighting for.  There is a lot of hype about maybe this is the best alternative Ron could think of if he really won't have enough to win.  Sometimes you have to sacrifice to at least get the Fed audited, etc.  To stop some of the wars overseas.  If we take control of the GOP, but the GOP is a minority and there is a democratic president no change will be passed.  I don't know whether any of these are true, but Rand committing political suicide seems odd to me.

If Paul truly doesn't have the delegates to win that doesn't end all of our work.  He didn't win in 2008 and the revolution has grown.  We have to continue to grow.  Ron is the spokesperson for us, but he teaches a thought process.  There will be another like him.

That being said we need to stop complaining and start working.  Throughout this process there have been many blows to us left and right.  There have been physical confrontations with broken fingers and bruised hips.  How can so many people watch these delegates go through this darkness and pain and jump ship because of what 1 person says.  This movement wasn't completely about Ron, but it is so much more.  It is about our future and our children's future.  We can't give up now we have come too far.  Did Ron give up 20 years ago when people laughed at him for his ideas?  Did he ever give up on the people and doing what he thought was right?  We need to unite and grow and expand to slowly take over the party.  I know the party system sucks, but it is what exist today.  We are the people and have been pushed down for decades.  We do NOT have the power yet, nor do we have the power to change the US yet.  It will take years to complete the transition, and if we give up it is a disgrace and a lost cause.  For myself and the people I know we're not going to give up.  I'm considering running for office because money won't buy me.  I have children to worry about, and I will fight for them!

So that being said, we were all slapped in the face by the endorsement, but that doesn't give us an excuse to give up.  If that is all it takes for you to give up you need to analyze how much freedom is worth to you.  During the revolutionary war our forefathers knew the value of freedom and died for it.  During the early 80s when Evangelical Christians wanted a say in how politics, and they fought for years but they won.

With that I will not vote for Mitt and will write in Paul, but people we need to unite instead of giving up.

Co-Producer of Schindler’s List Banned from Speaking at a High School for being too conservative

Gerald Molen was supposed to speak at Ronan High School 90 miles from his home.  He gets there and the principle told him he was too right wing conservative to address the students.  This is insanity and the problem with public education today.

Whatever happened to letting people make their own decisions?  Seniors in a high school are young adults, and they should be allowed to formulate their own opinions.  The part that annoys me more is that he got there before they told him.  They could of at least had the decency to cancel before he spent so much time traveling to the school.

I think our schools are starting to have too much biased.  I also feel this principal. should be fired.  We have teachers telling students they will go to prison for criticizing Obama.  Now a speaker is told he won't be allowed to address the students for a biased reason.  This man has accomplished a lot and won a lot of awards.  What does his political affiliation have to do with that?

Full Article below.  Please share your thoughts.


Ron Paul is more than President

Ron Paul at Jordan Page

Here is Ron Paul at Jordan Page concert.  Skip to 9 minutes.  It is not the best quality, but I'm still looking for another.
Video streaming by Ustream

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rand's Endorsement Deep Look

There is a lot of people that feel violated by Rand's endorsement.  Though i do not agree with it, and can't bring myself to vote for Romney I want to take a deeper look at this.

First watch the video..  The endorsement doesn't feel right as he is talking biting his lip.  It is the same as when I tell my kids to apologize to each other..  Also, I'm trying to look at the bigger picture.  We are taking over the GOP and putting them in the house and senate.  If Paul truly can't win and obama does that is a wasted effort. Think about what is going on today with the battles between democrats and republicans.  If a democrat is the president everything would be vetoed.  If Republicans are minority then our liberty movement stall.

That being said I don't see Romney being any different than Obama, but maybe they know something we don't. Maybe if we control the people in the house and senate they will push Romney to do what the people want.  I don't know, but I think there is a bigger picture, and I think Rand was pushed to endorse by someone just by his tone.

If Romney will truly will audit the fed and stop some regulations it is a movement in the right direction.  Again I am upset Rand endorsed him I never thought I would see the day. I am just trying to look deeper to see if there is a strategy.

Mitt Romney Impersonates Police Officer

Mitt Romney as a young adult would dress as a police officer and pull people over as a "prank".  What sort of prank is that?  To terrify people making them think they're in trouble when they're not.  In the once case he planted a bottle of bourbon in trunk to scare the driver.  They had a laugh afterwards though.. I don't think I would be laughing; I would be performing a citizens arrest.

How can someone vote for a person with such an ego as a young adult thinking he was above the law?   He bullied kids and dressed as a police officer to scare people and illegally search their vehicle.  Whether there were laws back then or not about pretending to be a police officer, there was still a huge violation of privacy.  What will he do as a president?  I know he was young and did stupid things, we all did, but I don't know anyone who went this far.  I have never met a person in my life that thought they could pretend to be police and go so far with a "prank".

So far we have:

  1. Putting dog on roof
  2. Bullying kids
  3. Impersonating police
  4. Violating privacy laws and constitutional rights
  5. Being Charged with a ponzi scheme.
What else does the American public need before they say maybe this is the proper GOP nominee..


Michelle Obama Stops for Pie

In the below article Mrs. Obama stopped for some pie after a campaign rally.  I'm glad our secret service and tax funds are used so well.  My bigger issue is we are spending millions to fight obesity, yet she does a photo opt while buying pie.  According to her we can't have pie or any junk food or it's the end of the world.  I'm glad so many people in the political realm just do things for popularity.


Romney Shouting Match

Romney in a shouting match at a campaign speech.  Fairly old, but how quickly people forget.

Rick Perry Booed

Rick Perry Booed at GOP Convention Texas

Ron Paul Speech Texas State Convention

Here you go  Turn sound about 1/2 way up or it is hard to understand.

Video streaming by Ustream

The Hypocritical Soda Ban

Recently in NYC there is talk of banning all sodas over 16 oz.  This is crazy thought because then people will just get free refills.  It would only apply to restaurants.  This is coming from a guy who host the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Championship.  I will make a sport out of eating too much, but soda is the problem for our obesity.

The irony of it is now Philadelphia's mayor is jumping on board with it.  He does this while cutting the ribbon on a new shake shack fast food chain.  I read through articles reading comments and was amazed by what I saw.  I thought people would of said "this is stupid" or "this is going too far", but instead I found numerous comments saying "This is needed to fight the epidemic".  If people want to eat less buy smaller plates and learn what a portion is.  Stop the monstrosity that gives french fries the number 1 spot in ways vegetables are consumed.

It amazed me that people don't have personal responsibility anymore.  We sue because McDonald's made me fat.  I will eat what I want, and then i'll spend thousands on liposuction, so that I can't eat whatever I want.  I don't think its the food that is the problem, but it doesn't help.  There are two aspects I feel are the problem.  The first is people are uneducated about how food is made and some don't even know how its grown.  The other is our mentality that the government will take care of me.  This also explains why people will take medicine that can cause strokes to grow hair (that's another topics).  We need to take responsibility for our actions, and by the US becoming our nanny we will become less responsible and accept fewer rights.

With that I say to Philadelphia and New York your concept of banning any sugar beverage over 16oz is crazy and you're hypocrites.  You can't blame one aspect of life for our obesity problems, and it won't fix anything and will cost a fortune to enforce.


Arresting everyone to find a bank rober

In Colorado recently the police were looking for a bank robber..  What better way to catch him/her than to employ Nazi style tactics and arrest everyone that drove through an intersection.  This sets a precedence on what people will accept, and we are going further and further away from freedom.

The constitution clearly states that a person can only be questions/arrested if there is something suspicious you see them doing.  Example: walking down a street with spray paint after graffiti was written on a while 1 block away.  Something obvious that seems.  At that point you can question them, but you have to have something more(my interpretation) to detain them.  In this small town they arrested every adult that came through the intersection.  This is yet another way we are losing our freedoms and it scares me for the future generations.

Where is this going to stop?  At what point will people say this has gone too far?  I watch as things happen and everyone ignores it.  I actually had someone tell me the other day that "if they're doing it for our safety then fine".  I watch as our rights are slowly dwindled away in such a slow manner than people don't even notice it.  Then people are taught if we don't do this some big bad person will come and kill you.  These things aren't protecting us from people breaking into our houses and killing us.  They're not stopping gang violence and casualties in drive by shootings.  I can't see anywhere this is truly helping us, and I would love someone to show me what would happen if all these rules weren't there.  Cell phone messages and call logs are stored thanks to the patriot act.  Police can sit outside your house and listen to your conversations without you even knowing.  Teachers can tell their students they can go to prison for saying a political leader isn't doing a good job...  Where is our freedom?  How can anyone say we are a free society.


US Losing It's Patience with Pakistan

Recently I read that the US is "losing it's patience" with Pakistan.  They are a safe haven for terrorist groups, but Pakistan has requested that we stop with drone strikes because it kills a large number of civilians.

It is amazing to me that this all started from one tragic attack on the US.  It was a horrible event, but I'm not sure the war on terror will ever end.  There will always be a terrorist organization, but are they powerful enough to truly do anything if we play a strong defense vs just attacking?  How many more people are we adding to the terrorist organization when a drone kills their children, wife or husband?  Many people say that is stupid thought process, but I want you to put yourself in their shoes.  You're living in a war zone for 10 years some children that is all they know.  You try to live your life and you go to work.  A bomb is then dropped on your house because the neighboring building is suspected of being a haven.  Everything you've worked for your family all gone...  A large number would have a vendetta to try to settle, and they have nothing to lose anymore.

A large number of these are told to the general public to be suspected terrorist, but when did we get the power to just kill all suspects?  People deserve a trial in some scenarios and playing the offense and just killing people seems wrong to me.


That is a good article because the person who was said to be a terrorist at the Atlanta Olympics, but in the end was found out to be innocent.  We are humans and we make mistake, but I find it crazy we are losing patience with a country that may be trying to save their civilians.  I'm not in Pakistan, but I foresee this being a gateway for us to attack them.  As a country and human beings we don't have the right to go over there and tell them "Do what we say or we will blow you away".  I really wish people would open their eyes to the effects of war and understand the war on terror is causing thousands of deaths that could be avoided.  We have some of the best technology in the world we could keep track of whats going on the world and be preventative without blowing up everyone or treating everyone in the US as if they're a terrorist.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Ron Paul is right about the war on drugs

Constantly I see post saying things like "why would you want to legalize drugs?".   Dr. Paul is 100% accurate on that fighting drugs with laws don't work.  It has been proven that if you treat people with addiction it helps more than throwing them in to prison.  In fact minor offenders tend to be violent when they get out of prison..

So to understand this lets look back on the history of trying to outlaw drugs.  From the 1600s people were trying to ban smoking due to its risk.  There wasn't a lot of restrictions on drugs though until the early 1900s.  This was due to a large opium use in common life of people and fear drove people to regulate these drugs.  It didn't all together ban them, but it made you need a prescription to get some heavy drugs like heroin etc.  The use almost dropped to 0 until after world war 2.  During this time laws were created requiring companies to put labels on products defining what their products contained, and I think this is important for people to make informed decisions.  An important fact to note was there was a huge uproar over Coke putting caffeine in their beverage and the growing coffee industry.  Most people don't realize the damage caffeine does to your body.

During the 60s and early 70s drugs became big again among society, so the US government they needed to step in and create laws (some started in the 50s, but mainly in 60s).  President Nixon coined the phrase "war on drugs".  SO since then the battle has continued with more laws at a federal level created.  Before now there were some laws and regulations, but they were city or state level, so it followed constitutional rules.

I do agree with the need to label products so people can make informed system, but lets look at the cost of this "war on drugs".  Since the war on drugs has begun and 2009 the United States has spent over 2.5 Trillion dollars of tax payers money.  34,000 people died in Mexico alone in a little over 4 years...  This doesn't include all the other countries or the 40 years this "war" has been going on.  It also doesn't take in to account killers that were made in the rough prison system they're thrown into rough prisons for selling marijuana.  I ask you is it really worth it?  How many starving families could of been saved?

Please leave comments below.  I would like this topic to be debated so the people who think drugs should be battled can explain why.  I want to note I don't do drugs and wouldn't if they were legal.(excluding caffeine)




Losing Reserve Currency Uh Oh.

Here we go it has started..  According to the New York Post (Old article but overlooked by a lot) the United States is losing its status as a reserve currency.  This is very scary people because this is the only thing keeping us afloat and out of hyperinflation.  If we lose the status as the reserve currency you might as well burn your dollar bills.  On top of this Iran has been buying oil with gold and other metals, so we are headed down an ugly road here people.

If you haven't seen the documentary "The Collapse" I recommend you watch it now.  I also recommend you invest in commodities with limited quantities like silver, gold and other precious metals.  People always say these won't be are currency again, but it works well not because gold is worth so much but because it has a limitation.  You can't print forever on the gold standard and everyone knows how much gold is out there.

I recommend that everyone vote Ron Paul before we lose our reserve status.  If we don't we will end up like Zimbabwe..


Why Ron Pauls Speaking at the RNC is so Important

As I read through forums, Facebook and other online source, I come across people who are constantly complaining Ron Paul does not speak at state conventions.  People need to realize that he can't just show up and give a speech to the crowd.  The GOP has broken people's fingers for attempting to do this or turned off their mics.
As seen here

He has to be invited, and I'm willing to bet he is trying, but his biggest focus is getting the grass roots organized. This gets to the point of this post.. 

I think a very large number of delegates and people in general vote for other candidates because of lack of knowledge or understanding of Dr. Paul.  When he speaks he motivates people while proving a valid point.  I have never met an ex-Paul supporter in my life.  If/When Paul speaks at the RNC there is a good chance a lot of the people who supported other candidates will think to themselves "Hey he's right".  This is the hope at least...  The media tends to spin the things he says, but when it comes from the horses mouth they will be motivated like most Paul supporters.  There will be the few who think he is a loon still, but they should be in the minority.

That being said, I think the only true way for Paul to win this is his speech at the RNC.  When he talks to these people who are more grassroots, but they still want to be a part of the political process.  They will understand he speaks the truth and he isn't crazy.  They will understand we can defend ourselves without sending drones to kill children and families.  The Roman empire stretched its army too thin while depreciating its currency.  Do we see the Roman empire anymore?

Please leave your comments!!!

Romney write off GM Debt?

Romney has recently states he would quickly sell all government stock of GM.  At current prices that would be at a 15.8 billion dollar loss.  How can he make that decision or should he be able to?  I don't agree we should of ever bailed out GM, but the government has done it already.  NOW he wants to sell the stock and make it so the American people eat the loss?

This is the biggest load of BS I have seen in a while.  How can anyone support a man who doesn't care about the people?  WAKE UP PEOPLE! He is going to sell the stock and take the loss while GM reaps from the billions in loans it got.  I think they should have to pay every dime back to variance whatever stock prices are.  The government should of never got into this mess anyways.  If it would of just left it alone it would of sank and allowed new companies to emerge.


Texas State Convention

The Texas state convention is this weekend.  This is going to be a battle ground for a very large number of delegates.  If you have not yet sign up.  The Texas GOP has listed Paul very last as a speaker.


On top of Ron Paul speaking there will be Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum and Ron Johnson.  This will draw a diverse crowd, so if you want your voice heard try to sign up.  There may still be slots open.  As of last week there were over 80 spots still open.

There are some people seeking assistance with getting to the convention.  It can't cost that much, but everybody needs to help get these delegates to Paul the only conservative candidate.



Romney's Emails Hacked

According to news articles Mitt Romney's email was hacked by a non-hacker.  He guessed the answer to the secret question.  Now that is funny that his email used while gov. could be hacked so easily.

I'm awaiting the release of more information to see what all he hid from people while being a governor.  The only thing released so far is his push for a mandate for insurance coverage.  This is funny considering he says Obama's is unconstitutional.  He is correct that the state can decide for it's people, but I'm willing to bet the people didn't decide.  I bet the gov. and state house, etc pushed for it to help their buddies out.

Drones and you

I am constantly seeing all these articles about the US spreading drones.  Lets put aside the privacy issues that drones bring.   We can also set aside the issue of the severe cost having drones..

If we put all that aside what about the risk of malfunction?  Drones are fairly new in technology and are unmanned.  Someone in some other city is flying it, but I don't feel that is as good as someone actually being there flying it.  What if it loses radio signal and crashes into a school or your house? 

I look around and see what people are willing to accept for "safety".  I don't feel any safer than I did 15 years ago.  In fact, I feel we are making more and more people angry and this is harming our safety.  What will be next; tanks driving down the street?  We have to draw the line, but as things get added slowly over time people accept more and more without realizing the bigger picture.

Too Consistent of GOP Primary Results... Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about how consistent votes were across states.  I don't want to seem like a conspiracy theorist, but I find it very strange that the % of votes to the winner are so close together.  After things like

this http://dougwead.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/war-breaks-out-in-gop/ make me wonder.
(All Numbers are Percents)
The results last night go as followed:
Mitt: 79.6
Paul 10.2
Rick 5.2
Newt 3.8

McCain:    42
Huckabee  12
Mitt           35
Paul            4
Giuliani      4

Mitt  68.4
Paul  14.3
Rick    8.9
Newt   4.3

McCain:       22
Huckabee     15
Mitt              38
Paul              25
Giuliani          0

South Dakota
Mitt 66.1
Paul 13
Rick 11.5
Newt 4

South Dakota
McCain:        70
Huckabee        7
Mitt                 3
Paul               17
Giuliani           0

New Jersey
Mitt 81.3
Paul 10.4
Rick 5.2
Newt 3.1

New Jersey
McCain:          55
Huckabee         8
Mitt                28
Paul                  5
Giuliani            3

New Mexico
Mitt 73.3
Rick 10.5
Paul 10.3
Newt 5.8

New Mexico
McCain:        86
Huckabee       0
Mitt                0
Paul               14
Giuliani           0

Now lets look at the states from May 22 and May 29
Mitt 69
Paul 11.9
Rick 8
Newt 4.7

McCain:          20
Huckabee        60
Mitt                 14
Paul                   5
Giuliani            0

Mitt 66.8
Paul 12.5
Rick 8.9
Newt 5.9

McCain:          72
Huckabee          8
Mitt                   5
Paul                   7
Giuliani             2

Mitt 69
Paul 11.9
Rick 8
Newt 4.7

McCain:          51
Huckabee:       38
Mitt:                  2
Paul:                  5
Giuliani:            0

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but except for a few cases the numbers look way too consistent. 
Lets take the 2008 primary votes separated.  They're all over the place with percents.

McCain:    42
Huckabee  12
Mitt           35
Paul            4
Giuliani      4

McCain:       22
Huckabee     15
Mitt              38
Paul              25
Giuliani          0

South Dakota
McCain:        70
Huckabee        7
Mitt                 3
Paul               17
Giuliani           0

New Jersey
McCain:          55
Huckabee         8
Mitt                28
Paul                  5
Giuliani            3

 Also how can someone go from winning 2% of a state losing to Dr. Paul to beating Dr. Paul with 69% of the vote?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hurt during a primary or convention?

I saw this great article just a few minutes ago.  If you have been harmed or anything out of the ordinary while voting or a state convention go here. http://www.dailypaul.com/238032/election-fraud-here-is-how-to-help

The Polls close in Wisconsin

Now the polls have closed in Wisconsin's recall vote.  Everyone is in uproar over the elimination of collective bargaining rights with most state employees.  This caused a huge uproar with union workers, and I have to say it's not due to the rights being lost.  The upset from democrats and the union are due to the fact that union dues will crash.

Initially the concept of unions appealed to people and gave some rights to people to try to request more money and benefits for their work.  Though it is a free country it should be completely voluntary to join a union and not have to pay dues just because you work for a company.  The appalling push back about a manufacturing plant being moved to South Carolina shows how insane these union have become.  They are no longer representing the workers instead they focus on their income.  It disgust me that people don't see this.

I have met numerous union workers and most always say "I don't see the union doing anything for me."  They in turn force companies into bankruptcy by requesting insane benefits that most people haven't worked hard enough for.  There used to be a pride in working for a start up and assisting with the success and growth of an idea.

Everyone says they want American made products, but with unions forcing insane wages and our societies lust for having cheap products that is impossible.  There used to be an understanding of value.  I may more for this product today, but it will last far longer and I won't have to buy 20 of the cheap products to last the same time frame.  People need to wake up the hyper inflation that is coming towards us and realize they can make more, but in order for everyone to make $50 an hour they have to print more money.  To me that is common sense, but I think society has lost all common sense.

What are your thoughts on this vote?

Votes so Consistent

I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I am watching the votes come in tonight.  The vote % seem almost identical for the past few states.  I don't get how that is possible.  Every state is not going to vote almost 80% for one person consistently across all states.

The more I watch it I want to know how the votes are counted.  The main stream media (MSM) always announces a winner based on a small percentage of precincts submitting results.

Louisiana State Convention GOP Broken Bones


War Breaks out in GOP: Broken bones

“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released.  During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.”
Join the discussion at Doug Wead
This report from inside the Ron Paul campaign gives you a glimpse of the resistance from establishment Republican Party operatives as they seek to hold power.  Meanwhile, the GOP continues to experience its transformation.  Ron Paul supporters are enduring false arrests, detainment, broken bones and slander as they simply exercise their constitutional rights of voting and participating in party politics.  Keep in mind, the final outcome, as explained to me, was a good one.  And in spite of brutal tactics from some in the establishment who are trying to cling to power, the Republicans of Louisiana will be represented in Tampa.  Most of them will be supporters of Ron Paul, cheering on the GOP nominee.
Here is the report:
“Louisiana GOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa.  Louisiana has 46 delegates.  Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention.
“Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th.  Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests.  Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates.  Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.
“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman.  Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement.  The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.
“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released.  During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.
“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work.  Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.
“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.
“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention.  And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”
See “Smoke and Mirrors in the GOP,” the Louisiana State GOP convention.
Warning:  The following Youtubes have been taken down continually in the last few hours.  If you are able, copy them yourself and circulate them.  And while you are at it, I have added at the bottom a third Youtube that is old and has been removed from production numerous times.  If you are savvy with this technology, make a copy of it as well and keep it safe.  It is a stout defense of Dr. Paul when his record was under attack.  And an interesting expose of the FED and its impact." Taken From http://dougwead.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/war-breaks-out-in-gop/

See Video Here

It is disgusting the things that occur and people ignore.


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