Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Drones and you

I am constantly seeing all these articles about the US spreading drones.  Lets put aside the privacy issues that drones bring.   We can also set aside the issue of the severe cost having drones..

If we put all that aside what about the risk of malfunction?  Drones are fairly new in technology and are unmanned.  Someone in some other city is flying it, but I don't feel that is as good as someone actually being there flying it.  What if it loses radio signal and crashes into a school or your house? 

I look around and see what people are willing to accept for "safety".  I don't feel any safer than I did 15 years ago.  In fact, I feel we are making more and more people angry and this is harming our safety.  What will be next; tanks driving down the street?  We have to draw the line, but as things get added slowly over time people accept more and more without realizing the bigger picture.


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